
A total project of piping, supporting and installation for the treatment and recuperation of ventilation gases in the Port of Antwerp.

Working hours 12.500 hours
Lead time 26 weeks
Project manager Stief Goetschalckx

"The most challenging part of this project was coordinating the various contractors on site and meeting the tight deadlines. Thanks to thorough preparation, proactive planning and intensive communication, we succeeded. This is the basis for a successful project."



Purchase and delivery of all materials


Painting pipework


Prefab and onsite welding of SS and CS pipes


Installation of all piping and equipment onsite


Engineering advice based on experience


Project management and collaboration with Lubrizol and Sweco


For Lubrizol in Kallo, we handled the entire process of prefabrication and installation of piping. The site has three sources of waste gases that are currently discharged via an existing steam boiler. In order to comply with the Vlarem limits, three new process units will be built at these locations to treat the gases before they are released into the atmosphere.


The project involves the welding of carbon steel and stainless steel, and the installation of equipment (tanks, pumps, etc.).

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Need a reliable partner for your piping project? Indinox provides an efficient, hands-on comprehensive approach— from enquiry to execution and follow-up.